Uttara Info Tech | Best Website Design, Software Development, Web Hosting, Digital Marketing service provider in Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
স্থান পরিবর্তন :
সকলের অবগতির জন্য জানানো যাচ্ছে যে, উত্তরা ইনফোটেক ১লা আগষ্ট, ২০২৪ইং থেকে পূণরায় আগের ঠিকানা বিএনএস সেন্টারে স্থানান্তরিত হবে। ঠিকানাঃ লিফট-৫, কক্ষ নং-৬১০, বিএনএস সেন্টার, সেক্টর-৭, উত্তরা, ঢাকা-১২৩০।

Online Freelancing Earning Training Center in Uttara

Uttara Info Tech is a Leading Online Freelancing Earning Training Center in Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh. We are train up people how to work with Freelancing Market Place on O-desk, Freelancer, Elance, Script lance etc.

The company has established on March 2011 in Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Our main vision to make some IT skill personnel who can develop their society and earn money from home without traditional job. We say, "Your job in your Home". The Institute has been trying to develop our society and evolve people to earn from home by using some technical tools of Freelancing World. We have already train up more than 300 students among the country and some International students also. Some of our successful Students has opened Training Institute in the country and trying to develop their local people. Most of the Students are professionally working with Freelance and they also provide Freelancing Job through Uttara Freelancing Group.

Uttara Information Technology has been offering the following three types of Online Freelancing Earning Courses: 1) Professional Freelancing Job 2) Bid System Job and 3) Non Bid System Job:



Java Script






Photoshop (Basic)

Adobe Dream Weaver

Web Hosting


C-Panel Maintenance

Upwork, Fiverr & Freelancer

Course Fee 12,500/-
Duration 3 months
Weekly 2 Class

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Logo Design

Banner Design

Clipping Path

Multi Path

Color Correction





Course Fee 12,500/-
Duration 2 months
Weekly 2 Class


Hosting C-Panel Maintenance

On Page Optimaization

Keyword Research

Meta Keyword Analysis and submission

Meta Description

Meta Title

Search Engine Submission

Backlink and link building

Off Page Optimaization

Social Media Marketing

Forum Posting



Artical Submission

Directory Submission

Ad posting

Odesk & Freelancer

Master Card

Payment System

Course Fee 12,500/-
Duration 3 months
Weekly 2 Class

Know more about Online Outsourcing Training Please visit the link: Online Freelancing Earning Training Courses